Short Courses
God’s Grand Story, Our Christian Worldview
This foundational series takes participants through the broad sweep of God’s Story – creation, fall, covenant, Christ and consummation – and highlights its significance for our lives and calling today. A must-have for anyone questioning the meaning of their existence and seeking greater meaning in their lives -- or helping others who are struggling with this. Can be conducted as a short introductory session or over a 2-4 sessions for greater depth.
Introduction to Worldviews in Singapore
This intensive approaches the topic of worldview by tackling the “hidden” worldviews that affect us on a cultural level. It aims to help Christians evaluate their own worldview in light of God’s word and the Biblical meta-narrative. Participants are led to see how the Christian worldview is able to make sense of all of life and give them a greater sense of purpose in all they do as they find their place in God’s grand story.
Faith and Science
Young earth? Old earth? Does it matter?
Is evolution anti-Christian?
What are the limitations of science?
How do the sciences help us to flourish?
The Arts
Art and Theology (2 parts)
Role of the arts in media, communications, and design
Beauty – in the eye of the beholder?
Gender and Sexuality
Singlehood and the church
How far should women’s rights go?
Let’s talk about sex, babies!
Thinking Christianly about LGBT issues
Engaging With A Secular State
Redeeming our education
Biblical view of government
Inequality, meritocracy and the role of the church
The role of Christian enterprise
Email us at to be kept updated on the next run of our short courses!